Wealth Management
Living richly in retirement.
We believe a successful retirement is more than just having enough money—it's about living your ideal life. Over the years, we’ve seen far too many people die rich because they were scared to spend money on the things they really wanted. They were afraid they would run out of money if they spent too much. We want to help our clients live richly in retirement.
Our elite Financial Life Management service is designed to help you secure your financial future and help you enjoy the fruits of your labor. We believe that money is meant to be enjoyed, not hoarded.
By working with us, you can create a personalized plan that allows you to live the life you truly desire, without the fear of running out of money. Let us help you make the most of your wealth.
We will help you think and do things differently with our elite Financial Life Management service. Don’t just die rich, live richly in retirement, and live the life you CRAve.
CRAve Financial Freedom?
Values beyond investing.
How you feel about money impacts every financial decision you make. Our HonestConversations® exercise helps us all understand what matters most to you at this point in your life and how you are living toward those ideals.
This experience also gives you the opportunity to get on the same page with your loved ones about your values. It will serve as a guiding compass in your financial life management.
- Discover what’s important to you.
- Identify and clarify your intentions, motivations, and goals.
- Use scoring to rank, track and update progress.

Know your number.
Financial Control Scorecard® helps answer the question with a single number, “Where do I stand financially today?” This provides valuable insight about whether your current savings and investments align with your spending and goals. From here, your financial advisor can help you make financial decisions and evaluate if a course correction is necessary.
- See if you are on track to meeting your financial goals.
- View your success score, so you know where you stand today.
- Review regularly with your advisor and make adjustments as appropriate.
Organize your priorities.
Your advisor creates your Priority Action List from your HonestConversations® exercise and Financial Control Scorecard® results. Your Priority Action List shows which parts of your finances need more attention based on importance or urgency.
- Determine which items are optimal, need review or immediate attention.
- Identify and track tasks associated with each priority.
- Measure and control your financial progress beyond merely investing

Are you OK?
GuideBook is a modern approach that simplifies your financial life by summarizing priorities, investments, and goals in one place for easy access and planning. It's a summary of your finances with support to keep you informed, engaged, and reassured about your financial situation. As your priorities change and your financial plan adapts,GuideBook can help you stay on track with your goals.
- Summarize your entire financial life: priorities, portfolios, and action plan.
- Receive a customized, simple to read financial review document.
- View the progress and financial accomplishments you’ve made over time.
The Ultimate Benefit: Reallocate Your Time
If we take nothing else away from the COVID-19 Pandemic, it is the reminder that life is short, sometimes unexpectedly so. That is why successful people have learned to delegate those items that they feel are better off in the hands of a professional.
Lean upon your trusted team of professionals at California Retirement Advisors. With our experience, tools and resources, we can help you do all the things you would rather do with your time, while still acting as a good steward of your money for yourself and your family. Focus on what you enjoy while we take care of the rest for you and your family.