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Why you?

When you can benefit most from working with us:

Retiring Soon

Less than 3 years to retirement?

If you are retiring soon, but too busy working to focus on financial planning for yourself, you are in the right place. We can help you get there, successfully.

Learn more about how we can help give reach your goal of retiring soon!

Protecting Your Retirement

You are already retired and want to keep it that way.

At California Retirement Advisors, we recognize retirement is not a destination, but a journey where life happens along the way. We can help you navigate to reduce the risks that can derail your life and financial goals, then course correct as necessary along the way.

Learn more about how we can help give you confidence in your retirement plans.

Reaching a Milestone Age

As you approach retirement, the road is paved with a number of milestone ages that can have a critical impact on your financial plans. A misstep can trigger costly fees, penalties or even irreversible mistakes. At California Retirement Advisors, we can help you identify and prepare for these and similar milestones as part of your comprehensive financial plan:

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Time to get serious about retirement planning! You are now eligible for catch-up contributions to retirement accounts.

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Avoid the 10% IRS premature penalty up separation of service. This may be a good opportunity to leave money behind at your 401(k) for access, while rolling over the rest into an IRA with more investment options.

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You are now eligible to take distributions without the 10% IRS premature distribution penalty from your retirement accounts.

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You may now be eligible for Social Security retirement benefits; however, they will be reduced to 75% of what your full benefits would be if you wait until your full retirement age.
Download Social Security Claiming Guide ↗ now!

milestone age 65-El Segundo, CA California Retirement Advisors

You are now eligible for Medicare!

Milestone age 70-El Segundo, CA California Retirement Advisors

This is the age to receive maximum monthly retirement benefits from Social Security.

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You can make a Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD) from your IRA.

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Starting in 2020, age 72 is now when required minimum distributions (RMDs) come into play for your retirement accounts.

Lacking Time, Knowledge or Desire

You realize you need or want help planning properly for retirement.

Successful people have learned to delegate those things for which they don’t have the time, knowledge or desire to do on their own. 

registered investment advisor


investment strategy


asset allocation


If you have all of these things for financial planning and investment management, perhaps you don’t need our assistance at this time. But if you value your time and you understand the benefit of hiring a professional for something you can’t afford to fail, we are here for you.

Arrange for an introduction call with a registered investment advisor to regain your peace of mind.

Ready for a New (kind of) Advisor?

You want more from an advisor than merely investment advice.

At various times of our lives it may be obviously necessary but still extremely difficult to make a change that involve ending or starting a new relationship. However loyal we may be as individuals, when it comes to your financial well-being and that of your family, it is important to remember that loyalty starts at home and financial decisions are best made with your head, not your heart. If you find yourself considering if is time for a new advisor who can offer more, different, or better ways to benefit you and your family, perhaps it is. If any of the following apply to you, or you are just wanting a second opinion, we are glad you found us. We welcome you to arrange a brief introduction call with an advisor today.   

What do you want from an advisor? El Segundo, CA California Retirement Advisors
  • I want a better, simpler way to know that I am okay
  • I want more than merely investment advice 
  • I recognize I now need help from a retirement specialist
  • I don’t just want to grow my assets I want to protect them
  • I need help with an income strategy that makes sense 
  • I want more options and choices than merely annuities 
  • I need help coordinating my entire financial outlook
  • I feel like I’ve outgrown my advisor and want more 
  • I want to feel informed and educated not told to and sold to
  • I own large IRAs, 401(k), 403(b), annuities or other retirement assets that haven’t been taxed yet and need an advisor who can help
  • I don’t just want to make sure I have enough money, I want to know I’ll be okay if I spend it to live my one best ideal life
  • I want to make sure my surviving spouse or family is properly guided
  • I don’t have the time, knowledge, or desire to do it myself and am ready to get help so I can do other things with my time
  • My advisor has retired or is no longer available