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retiring in california

Retiring in California

Select your timeline to learn how we can help:

Retiring Soon

You are successful because you focus on what you do for a living. But are you so busy working that you haven’t taken time to plan for the day when you’ll no longer be working? If you are retiring in California within the next 12 months, it will be here before you know it. If you get paid twice per month, you have only up to 24 paychecks to help fund 20-40 years of income. 

Not sure if you are ready? We can assist you with our unique CRAve Life Advisory process. Review your investments, insurance, taxes and estate planning needs while also providing the income needed to keep your retirement worry-free.

We know this can all be difficult to do while you are still working. If you would like assistance, request a call to help you get started and live the life you CRAve.

Already Retired

Congratulations! You made it to retirement.

But do you feel confident that everything is in order for yourself and your family without the fear of running out of money? Are you able to enjoy your retirement without worrying about mistakes and threats to your standard of living like inevitably higher taxes due to our massive government debt? Or the next swan event stock market decline? 

Does this responsibility feel like a heavy burden on you? Does managing your retirement keep you up at night or away from doing the things you would rather do with your time during the day? Who will help your surviving spouse take care of his or her complete financial strategy if you are no longer able?

We can help you plan, manage and monitor your financial life, for the rest of your retirement, so you can enjoy what should be the best years of your life. Remember, your wealth is your time. 

Get started today to live the life you CRAve.

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Retiring Later

No matter your age, having time on your side is a major advantage in reaching your retirement goals. This is true whether you are a baby boomer or a millennial.

The earlier you start saving and investing, the more time your money has to grow. Time is a valuable asset when it comes to building a secure financial future for your retirement. Make the most of it.

From IRA contributions and investment strategies to balancing cash flow and managing your 401(k), or converting to a Roth IRA, our CRA team is here for you. We can help provide the wealth management services needed to clearly identify and work towards your financial goals if you're retiring in California or anywhere else. Contact us to get started today and help ensure you can live the life you CRAve.

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