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Search results for: tax

75 posts matched your search

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Nuances of NUA

The NUA tactic enables an eligible person to pay long term capital gains (LTCG) tax on the growth of company stock that occurred while the stock was in the plan. But there are finer points to NUA.

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4 Ways to Reduce Your RMD Tax Bite

Discover four strategies to reduce your RMD tax bite and maximize your retirement savings. Learn about Qualified Charitable Distributions, the still-working exception, Qualified Longevity Annuity Contracts, and Roth IRA conversions.

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Tax Time for IRAs

IRAs are an important, but often overlooked, part of your overall tax planning. As the deadline for filing 2023 tax returns approaches, it is a good time to incorporate your IRA plan strategies with your overall tax plan.

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"Mid-Air" Roth Conversions

In the past, a person needed to route after- or pre-tax dollars through a traditional IRA, but this is no longer the case. With "Mid-Air" Roth Conversions, it can be done from company plans. Read more.

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Beware of Investing IRAs in NFTs

If you are thinking of buying an NFT (non-fungible token) with your IRA funds, you may want to reconsider. In Notice 2023-27, the IRS said that NFTs associated with “collectibles” are prohibited IRA investments. This could expose you to significant taxes and penalties.

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Anomalies and Exceptions

As already-complicated IRA rules spiral further into an abyss of confusion, it comes as no surprise that irregularities exist. Here are three such random anomalies and exceptions baked into the “arbitrary” lines of the tax code.

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Mandatory Roth Catch-Up Contributions Required for 2024

Beginning in 2024, SECURE 2.0 requires that certain high-paid 401(k) participants who want to make catch-ups must make them on a Roth basis. This means that the contributions will be made on after-tax pay, but the contributions and associated earnings can be distributed tax free if certain conditions are met.

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Conversion as a Gift to Your Beneficiaries

Do you have an IRA you are thinking about converting to a Roth IRA? Inheriting a traditional IRA will have very different tax consequences than inheriting a Roth IRA. Converting your IRA to a Roth IRA is really a gift to your beneficiaries.

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How To Jump Into January with Smart IRA Moves as RMDs Return for 2021

Required minimum distributions (RMDs) from retirement accounts were suspended in 2020, as part of the federal government’s effort to keep the economy afloat despite medical and financial turmoil. Now they’re back, so most people who are 72 or older in 2021 will have to take at least as much as IRS tables dictate from their retirement accounts this year, and pay the resulting tax. Many IRA owners delay RMDs until yearend, but there are good reasons to act sooner rather than later.

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