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Search results for: estate planning

129 posts matched your search

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The QCD Dance

With all plan dollars rolled over to an IRA, future IRA RMDs can be sent to whatever qualifying charity you wish via QCD. But until the plan dollars are in that IRA, we must do this plan RMD/rollover timing/QCD dance.

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Nuances of NUA

The NUA tactic enables an eligible person to pay long term capital gains (LTCG) tax on the growth of company stock that occurred while the stock was in the plan. But there are finer points to NUA.

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A Wish List for the IRS Beneficiary RMD Final Regulations

After more than two years, we might actually be getting answers from the IRS on several important unanswered questions concerning RMDs for those who inherit IRAs or company plan accounts. Learn about the upcoming IRS Beneficiary RMD Final Regulations, changes from the SECURE Act, and how they impact your retirement account inheritance planning.

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One 60-Day Rollover Per Year?

Find out how the one-rollover-per-year rule affects your IRA transactions. Learn about the regulations around IRA rollovers, including the one-rollover-per-year rule, and how to navigate these rules for effective financial planning.

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Tax Time for IRAs

IRAs are an important, but often overlooked, part of your overall tax planning. As the deadline for filing 2023 tax returns approaches, it is a good time to incorporate your IRA plan strategies with your overall tax plan.

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Navigating QCDs in 5 Easy Steps

A QCD is a distribution from an IRA that goes directly to a qualifying charity and is not included in the taxable income of the IRA owner. A QCD cannot be made from an employer plan. A QCD can be up to $100,000 a year, per individual.

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SECURE 2.0's Biggest Mess

Section 327 changes the distribution rules for spouse beneficiaries of IRA (and workplace plan) account holders and is effective January 1, 2024. The result is that some of these beneficiaries will actually be in a worse position than they are in under the current rules.

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"Mid-Air" Roth Conversions

In the past, a person needed to route after- or pre-tax dollars through a traditional IRA, but this is no longer the case. With "Mid-Air" Roth Conversions, it can be done from company plans. Read more.

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Five QDRO Q&As

A QDRO is a state court order obtained by divorcing couples that requires a company plan to pay a portion of the benefit of the spouse participating in the plan to the other spouse.

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How to Create an Estate Plan

Putting together an estate plan can feel overwhelming, but it's an integral part of seeing your final wishes through. Take time to sort through each of these items with your financial advisor to help keep your estate and your loved ones well-organized and prepared.

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