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Search results for: retirement

106 posts matched your search

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A Wish List for the IRS Beneficiary RMD Final Regulations

After more than two years, we might actually be getting answers from the IRS on several important unanswered questions concerning RMDs for those who inherit IRAs or company plan accounts. Learn about the upcoming IRS Beneficiary RMD Final Regulations, changes from the SECURE Act, and how they impact your retirement account inheritance planning.

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4 Ways to Reduce Your RMD Tax Bite

Discover four strategies to reduce your RMD tax bite and maximize your retirement savings. Learn about Qualified Charitable Distributions, the still-working exception, Qualified Longevity Annuity Contracts, and Roth IRA conversions.

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Your RMD is Not Eligible for Rollover

Learn how to avoid rollover mistakes with your required minimum distribution (RMD). Understand the rules, common errors, and steps to correct excess contributions to ensure compliance and avoid penalties. Get expert advice to manage your retirement savings effectively.

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Spousal Rollovers

The biggest advantage that a spouse beneficiary of an IRA has over other beneficiaries is the ability to do a spousal rollover. With this, inherited retirement account funds become the spouse beneficiary’s own.

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How to Invest After You Retire

Selecting the right investment options for retirement can help you stay prepared for unexpected expenses and a longer life expectancy. Learn more about your options and important considerations as you navigate retirement.

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Three Savvy Stock Market Strategies Upon Taking RMDs from IRAs with Gains

Now that required minimum distributions from retirement accounts are back for 2021 after being waived in 2020, you should look before you leap if you’ll owe RMDs this year. I’ll outline three commonly overlooked strategies by many retirement advisors, investment advisors, and financial consultants alike, that are good for you to at least know about especially if you own a large IRA. Note that this recommendation applies not only to most account owners who are 72 or older in 2021 but also to retirement account beneficiaries subject to RMDs.

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How To Jump Into January with Smart IRA Moves as RMDs Return for 2021

Required minimum distributions (RMDs) from retirement accounts were suspended in 2020, as part of the federal government’s effort to keep the economy afloat despite medical and financial turmoil. Now they’re back, so most people who are 72 or older in 2021 will have to take at least as much as IRS tables dictate from their retirement accounts this year, and pay the resulting tax. Many IRA owners delay RMDs until yearend, but there are good reasons to act sooner rather than later.

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