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Tell a Friend about California Retirement Advisors (Help a Friend)

A complimentary service for a friend, family member or loved one.

If you have someone in mind who is facing a big financial decision or could use some professional financial guidance, please complete the quick form below to help make an introduction. We will reach out to them to arrange a complimentary 15-minute Q&A phone call with no obligation.  Regardless of if we end up working together or not, we'll help provide a checklist of considerations, get their questions answered and steer them in the right direction.

Some of the most common costly financial mistakes and missed opportunities occur during major life stage events and upon reaching certain milestone ages. After all, people don't know what they don't know. In your opinion, who else should I be speaking with who might have financial questions or concerns or who may be going through one of the following life stage events:

  • Retirement, lay-off, job change
  • Marriage (or re-married)
  • Divorce
  • Loss of spouse or family member
  • Grandparenthood
  • Sale of real estate or a business

Or, who is reaching a financial milestone age:

  • Retirement access without penalty (age 59 1/2)
  • Social Security (ages 62-70)
  • Last Year Before IRMAA Look Back (age 62)
  • Medicare (age 65)
  • QCD (qualified charitable distributions) (age 70 1/2)
  • RMD (equired minimum distributions) (age 73)

Tell a friend to help them get questions answers and avoid costly mistakes or missed opportunities.

Still can't think of anyone?

This is a standing offer so don't worry. You can reserve as spot for your friend, family or loved one at any time.