Gimme Shelter
Shelter is a large portion of inflation, making up more than 30% of it. This leads it to drag inflation up or down like an anchor. Watch this video to see its impact on the economy.
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Shelter is a large portion of inflation, making up more than 30% of it. This leads it to drag inflation up or down like an anchor. Watch this video to see its impact on the economy.
Credit rating is an estimate of a borrower's ability to pay. Fitch's downgrading of the U.S. is pointless due to the U.S. being the entity that controls dollars; they can pay bills.
The Biden Administration sold 180 million barrels from SPR to combat rising oil prices in the East, putting the petroleum reserve at its lowest level since the 1980s. What does this mean for our economy?
Economic data indicates that social security will run dry by the year 2034, meaning that it will not be able to meet its obligations. So where do we go from here?
We're moving from fossil fuels to electric vehicles, which in their own right have plenty of benefits. However, the problem is getting enough metals to make these electric vehicles.
We've been living in a time of exceptionally low interest rates, which seems great. The problem is, that when interest rates go up, our net interest cost for the Federal government is going to jump to the moon, and we're going to have to pay.