How Much Does Healthcare Cost in Retirement?
Healthcare costs are expected increase 5.5% from 2018 to 2027, and healthcare goods will almost double - via BCBS Fall 2022.
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Healthcare costs are expected increase 5.5% from 2018 to 2027, and healthcare goods will almost double - via BCBS Fall 2022.
Three types of tax funnels: 1) Pre tax: 401(k) or IRA. 2) Post tax. 3) Tax advantaged, like a Roth or HSA (health savings account).
The rules have changed since SECURE Act 2.0 and you could be inadvertently setting your special needs child up for a tax hit. If you have a special needs trust set up for your child, and you're using it in conjunction with a retirement plan, you MUST review your documents ASAP.
Qualified charitable distributions (QCD) are a great way to support your favorite causes while also satisfying your RMD. But the rules can be more complex than you think, especially if you're older than 70.5 and still working.
There is no one-size-fits-all approach to when you file for social security based on your retirement goals and financial situation.
What is the annual earnings test? What happens if you: -take your Social Security benefits early? -earn over the annual earnings amount?