“My goal is to help people simplify their lives and have confidence their financial needs are met with an implemented and intelligent financial plan.”
Ricky Ackerman
Financial Life Planner | CFP®
CA Insurance License #0L74069
(310) 643-7472 ext 0108 ricky@cradvisors.com
Ricky Ackerman is a dedicated Certified Financial Planner and licensed Personal Wealth Advisor with California Retirement Advisors. With a focus on retirement and Financial Life Management, he caters to the needs of both Baby Boomers and Gen X/Y clientele.
Before joining CRA Ricky’s life was filled with travel and adventure. After graduating from high school his primary goal was to see the world. With this goal in mind, he garnered an apprenticeship at a hotel group at the age of 17 traveling across his native Africa and earning him a diploma in hotel management. This achievement enabled him to land a job at Disney World and then onto a high-end cruise ship. He then had access to the world, setting foot on ports of call on all of the continents – including Antarctica! During this time, he saved up to put himself through school at the University of London and proudly graduated with no debt!! His warm and inviting personality would ingratiate him to many diverse people and was offered his job in finance by one of his many travel companions, at a startup company in New York City. This provided him with a solid foundation in any layers of corporate and strategic finance, but he quickly realized that he had a passion for finance but wanted to work in a capacity that had a human connection and enabled him to work with individuals, becoming a financial advisor was the perfect fit!
“Every individual has their own unique journey. I have supported myself since I was 17 and I understand how mystifying the world of personal finance can seem. My goal is to get to know my clients, create a custom plan and de-mystify this part of their life. Our holistic financial planning process gives my clients the confidence to move forward to achieve their financial & life goals.”
Ricky took the leap and flew across the country to Los Angeles where he joined California Retirement Advisors in 2016 where he quickly rose through the ranks, obtained his investment advisory credentials and soon after earned his CFP® certification through the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) and now serves as one of the lead CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ professionals for the firm.
Who Ricky Serves
Ricky thrives as a financial planner because of the dynamic environment. “Financial planning is complex, but if you’re naturally analytical, you become efficient. It’s never monotonous.”
Ricky leans into the challenge of optimizing clients' financial outcomes. It’s rewarding to get to know clients and help them become successful and financially secure,” he says. He has an innate ability to stay calm in a crisis. This characteristic gives him the ability to make well-informed decisions in chaotic financial situations. This leads to positive outcomes for his clients, and he knows that it allows them to have a less stressful life.
When he’s not busy at CRA, Ricky spends time with his German shorthaired pointer, Cocoa, exploring the California wild. Ricky was raised in South Africa, and he loves the outdoors. He was a ski valet in Beaver Creek, Colorado, and he frequently camps in Big Sur--if you need a recommendation for a campsite with a stunning view, Ricky is the man to ask.
Ricky’s Clients
Ultimately, he wants his clients to be able to enjoy their lives, and not worry about their financial futures. He’s driven by sincere enthusiasm for each of his clients’ success.
Ricky is confident he can help people organize their financial lives in a sane and elegant way. “I want people to understand that my goal is to help people simplify their lives,” he says, “and to have confidence that their financial needs will be met if they have an intelligent plan in place.”
Ready to Retire?
Areas of Expertise
Financial Planning
The foundation to a confident and successful retirement begins with a customized financial plan-design based on your unique situation, values, wants, needs, dreams, and resources.
Investment Advice
Because your goals are unique, I believe your investment portfolio should be, too. You and I will engage in a collaborative process that takes the guesswork out of investing.
Tax Reduction
I proactively minimize taxable events before they occur and position your money to be as tax-advantaged as possible based on your unique situation. It’s not about what you make, it’s what you keep.
Retirement Guidance
Start preparing for the best years of your life. If you are too busy and don’t have the time, knowledge, or interest to confidently plan for your own retirement, I will help you do it.
IRA & 401(K) Rollovers
From early, required, in-service and charitable distribution planning, to Roth conversions and legacy planning, to avoid complicated tax traps for your heirs, I will help navigate this complex and constantly evolving landscape with care and precision.
Insurance Management
From long-term care, to annuities, life insurance and more, I can help you understand, plan for and implement appropriate insurance strategies.
Income Distribution & Planning
How you take your money out matters! I will help you design an income plan that mitigates tax risks, provides flexibility, and maximizes your net income.
Inheritance & Estate Planning
From maintaining current designated beneficiary forms and titling on your accounts, to organizing essential financial and legal documents, to working with estate planning attorneys to implement legal work to ensure your wishes are seamlessly carried out—I aim to address all these considerations as part of a comprehensive approach.
My Team

Ricky Ackerman & Arcadia Berjonneau
Ricky is proud to volunteer

Sunrise deep in the desert of Sossusvlei, Namibia, Africa
Next Steps
Once we agree to meet, here is what is next on the journey.

We'll create your asset map from a discovery questionnaire
This will allow us to have a productive conversation and you'll receive a visual summary we can build on together.

Meet With Me
Share your story and your financial goals. I will ask and answer questions to learn how I can best help you achieve your goals.

Are We a Good Fit?
This is a no-pressure relationship! We each consider if I am a good fit to realistically help you meet your financial goals. If so, we can discus how to begin working together.

Review Service Offerings
You'll learn our planning philosophy, process, service options and costs.

Engage on Your Terms
You'll receive our financial planning agreement based upon the service you select to begin.